CETA, for or against?

  We conducted this exclusive survey in cooperation with Opinea, our access panel partner. Our institute is totally independent of political parties, financial groups and trade unions, this survey was not sponsored by any client or influential group. The distribution of respondents is representative of the population according to age, gender, region of residence, employment status and family structure. The field took place between July 8 and July 12, 2019. 1004 responses were obtained according to these representativeness quotas, for an overall confidence interval of + or – 3.1%.
The French seem to be insufficiently informed about the stakes of the CETA between Canada and the European Union: a third have no opinion.

Three blocks share similar level responses.

The youngest and least financially well-off are the most supportive of the CETA. Perhaps an increase in trade holds the promise of more potential income. The most opposed are men and the elderly. The lack of information is most visible among women (43%), Parisians (40%) and the lowest paid (43%).  
In this graph we can see that only half of the supporters of the President of the Republic are “for” the CETA. A quarter of them are not sure and do not comment (for a third of the opponents).  
  The fact that a third of the population does not vote on an international treaty that is so important for certain sectors of our economy is worrying from a democratic point of view. This points to the consequence of the secrecy of the negotiations of this type of treaty, which disconnects the populations from the fundamental issues. The gap in knowledge and power over important decisions becomes apparent between the representatives who govern on behalf of the people who do not have the capacity to validate the choices.